About Me

     I’m a Filipina living a simple, but not so ordinary life. Been married to the Love-of-my-Life since May 2002, but unlike ordinary couples, we're still dreaming & praying to have our own Little Bundle of Joy. The closest we got to having our own baby was when we "had" a dog, Whiskey, but unfortunately lost him during a fire that burned down our apartment. 

     We’ve done everything within our means on TTC since 2004. Our problem is that even if we wanted to continue with our work-up, we cannot do so because of financial limitations. Going through the roller coaster ride of starting a treatment and not being able to continue it because of money issues has been very difficult and frustrating for us. I’m already in my late 30’s, so IVF treatment, which should be my next option, is already out of the question. As pathetic as it may seem, we don’t have a choice but to let fate run its course and pray for God’s guidance. 

     Why the title, "Giggles and Pebbles"? Some of my thoughts in this blog may seem that I'm already giving up, but as the saying goes, "While there's life there's hope". And so we're not totally closing our doors, but instead hope and pray to God that one day we will hear those cute giggles of our own Little One.

     “Pebbles are small rounded block of stones that has usually been smoothed and shaped by water flowing action”http://www.stonefinder.com. Pebbles just like our life is constantly being molded by wave of events. We will have to face whatever life will bring us, but we will go through this together, and hopefully stronger. 
     I created this blog with the hope that it could ease the burning pain of "not having" and "not knowing when". My goal is to explore the joy and inspiration in spite of this sad reality that my DH and I are facing and find peace within myself. I hope that by sharing with you all my thoughts, I can also comfort you in my own simple ways.

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